Terms of Service

All sales are final. Please continue reading for exceptions.

As a trusted online source of the best in designer handbags, shoes and accessories, we guarantee the authenticity of our items. Here at Consign of the Times, each item is carefully selected to meet our team’s high standard of quality. You will find in many cases our items come with the original authenticity paperwork and dust bags from the original purchase. Please read the descriptions of each bag carefully and look at all of the photos provided. We show all of our handbags as they are, so please note the size. Coloring of bags can slightly change due to the varying monitor calibration.

All of our handbags are guaranteed authentic, or you will receive a full refund.

If you wish to return your purchase because you feel that the handbag is not authentic, in order to receive a full refund please contact us within 7 days of receipt of your item/s. We would require you to produce documentation that the designer handbag you purchased from us is not authentic. You can obtain documentation from a well-recognized authenticator service or expert or the original designer store. We will attend to any matter and work together with you to resolve it.

Please read our Authenticity Guarantee here.


All sales are final. Please continue reading for exceptions.

As a trusted online source of the best in designer handbags, shoes and accessories, we guarantee the authenticity of our items. Here at Consign of the Times, each item is carefully selected to meet our team’s high standard of quality. You will find in many cases our items come with the original authenticity paperwork and dust bags from the original purchase. Please read the descriptions of each bag carefully and look at all of the photos provided. We show all of our handbags as they are, so please note the size. Coloring of bags can slightly change due to the varying monitor calibration.

All of our handbags are guaranteed authentic, or you will receive a full refund.

If you wish to return your purchase because you feel that the handbag is not authentic, in order to receive a full refund please contact us within 7 days of receipt of your item/s. We would require you to produce documentation that the designer handbag you purchased from us is not authentic. You can obtain documentation from a well-recognized authenticator service or expert or the original designer store. We will attend to any matter and work together with you to resolve it.

Please read our Authenticity Guarantee here.


All sales are final. Please continue reading for exceptions.

As a trusted online source of the best in designer handbags, shoes and accessories, we guarantee the authenticity of our items. Here at Consign of the Times, each item is carefully selected to meet our team’s high standard of quality. You will find in many cases our items come with the original authenticity paperwork and dust bags from the original purchase. Please read the descriptions of each bag carefully and look at all of the photos provided. We show all of our handbags as they are, so please note the size. Coloring of bags can slightly change due to the varying monitor calibration.

All of our handbags are guaranteed authentic, or you will receive a full refund.

If you wish to return your purchase because you feel that the handbag is not authentic, in order to receive a full refund please contact us within 7 days of receipt of your item/s. We would require you to produce documentation that the designer handbag you purchased from us is not authentic. You can obtain documentation from a well-recognized authenticator service or expert or the original designer store. We will attend to any matter and work together with you to resolve it.

Please read our Authenticity Guarantee here.

All sales are final. Please continue reading for exceptions.

As a trusted online source of the best in designer handbags, shoes and accessories, we guarantee the authenticity of our items. Here at Consign of the Times, each item is carefully selected to meet our team’s high standard of quality. You will find in many cases our items come with the original authenticity paperwork and dust bags from the original purchase. Please read the descriptions of each bag carefully and look at all of the photos provided. We show all of our handbags as they are, so please note the size. Coloring of bags can slightly change due to the varying monitor calibration.

All of our handbags are guaranteed authentic, or you will receive a full refund.

If you wish to return your purchase because you feel that the handbag is not authentic, in order to receive a full refund please contact us within 7 days of receipt of your item/s. We would require you to produce documentation that the designer handbag you purchased from us is not authentic. You can obtain documentation from a well-recognized authenticator service or expert or the original designer store. We will attend to any matter and work together with you to resolve it.

Please read our Authenticity Guarantee here.